About us

We improve the Digital World through Knowledge

We are driven by the desire to make people, teams and companies fit for digital change. This rapid change cannot be stopped and anyone who avoids it will fall behind in the modern world of work. We therefore believe it is essential to adapt to these changes in good time and to learn suitable methods and technologies.
Thanks to the many years of diverse practical experience and expertise of our trainers, we are convinced that the training courses offered by ASD Digital Training are the ideal preparation for digital change.

ASD Digital Training – experience and expertise combined with the necessary empathy

ASD Digital Training is a brand of Alter Solutions Deutschland GmbH under which the training and further education services of the digitalization consultancy are bundled. ASD Digital Training is a highly specialized premium training provider that focuses exclusively on tech, digital and IT training.

ASD Digital Training relies on a proven premium model, digital tools and, above all, many years of practical experience in the topics we cover in our training courses. Our customers benefit from our highly qualified trainers, who not only impart theoretical knowledge, but also apply this knowledge through their own intensive experience and provide practical training.

ASD Digital Training follows the maxim “online first”, which means that we offer all our training courses, whether open training courses or in-house training courses, as live online training courses. We ensure that the number of participants is limited (usually 10 participants) and that state-of-the-art online tools are used. All you need to participate is a computer and an Internet connection. All our training courses take place live, participants can contact each other and the trainer, ask questions and receive individual support.

ASD Digital Training offers all its training courses both as open training courses and in-house training courses. In principle, open training courses are open to everyone, take place on fixed dates and usually have a heterogeneous group of participants. In contrast, in-house training courses are designed for a limited group of participants from a company. In-house training courses are more cost-effective for our customers from a certain number of participants. At the same time, learning together promotes team spirit and brings all participants up to the same level of knowledge. On request, we can also conduct in-house training courses at your premises.