
Frequently asked questions

Still have open questions? We summarize the most frequently asked questions in our FAQ.

How can I register for a training?

Find the desired training on our website training.alter-solutions.de and follow the steps for booking. Alternatively, you can contact us by email or phone. Our contact details can be found on our website.

Is my training going to take place?

Your training will definitely take place. Otherwise, you will receive a binding notification one week before the training starts, confirming whether your seminar will proceed. Please refer to our terms and conditions for more details.

When is the training fee due?

You will receive an invoice with a payment term of 7 days after booking the training.

What admission requirements do I need to meet to register for the desired training?

You can find the prerequisites for participating in the respective training on our website. Select the desired training and click on it. There you will find detailed information.

I need a personal quote/estimate for a seminar.

We are happy to provide you with a personal quote. Please send the following information via our contact form or directly via email to asdtraining@alter-solutions.com:

  • Title of the training
  • Date
  • Training ID
  • Participant details
  • Address
  • Email address

We will send you the quote as soon as possible.

What are the training times?

Our trainings generally take place from 09:00 a.m. until 05:00 p.m.. Deviations from this schedule will be communicated in advance. The structure of the trainings and training days will be announced individually by our trainers in advance.

Can I still register for a training?

All trainings listed on our website still have available spots. We regularly update the offerings on our website training.alter-solutions.de.

Until when can I cancel free of charge?

You can cancel free of charge up to two weeks before the event begins.

Are the costs for exams/certifications included in the training fees?

Yes. All trainings that conclude with an official exam/certification are offered by us including the applicable fees. In other words, our prices are always “all-inclusive prices”. For exams/certifications offered by third parties, you will receive the corresponding participation authorizations in the form of a voucher from us.

Where can I find material for the training/course?

After successfully booking a training, you will receive access to our online training platform. There you will find various materials for our respective trainings, such as documents, exercises, quizzes, videos, etc.

Do you also offer trainings as in-house trainings/corporate trainings?

Yes, we are happy to provide you with a non-binding offer. Our in-house trainings can also take place on-site if desired. Please send the following information via our contact form or directly via email to asdtraining@alter-solutions.com:

  • Title of the training
  • Company name
  • Address
  • Contact person
  • Position
  • Phone number
  • Requirements

We will send you the offer as soon as possible.

How many participants are there per training?

We place great emphasis on effective learning groups and limit all our open live online trainings to a maximum of 10 participants. For customized in-house trainings, we can allow more participants on a case-by-case basis after consultation.

Live Online Trainings

All our open trainings, as well as our customized corporate trainings, are conducted as “Live Online Trainings.” We work with small seminar groups of a maximum of 10 people. All you need to participate in the Live Online Trainings is a computer with internet access and possibly a headset with a microphone. All events are live, meaning participants can interact with our trainers and each other, and, of course, ask questions.
We also facilitate breakout sessions in smaller groups and virtual work on the whiteboard using our state-of-the-art training platform and modern conference technology.

In-House Trainings

Upon request, ASD Digital Training can also offer all open trainings as customized in-house trainings for companies and organizations. These trainings can take place either at your location or at a suitable venue. In addition to providing valuable expertise, in-house trainings have been shown to strengthen your team’s sense of unity and bring everyone to the same level of knowledge. In-house trainings offer maximum flexibility, allowing us to choose the date of the training and the trainers in consultation with you.
If you prefer the customized in-house training to be conducted online, for instance because your company’s participants are distributed in different locations, that is no problem for us.

Training Materials

For trainings and seminars from ASD Digital Training, you will receive digital training materials. Everything will be available for download via our online training platform. You will automatically receive access to the training platform a few days before the start of the booked training. The materials will be available to you even after the training is completed. ASD Digital Training places great emphasis on high-quality training materials that optimally prepare you for your respective certification exams. All content is created by experienced trainers or provided to us by organizations such as Scrum.org or Scaled Agile.

Online Training Platform

Following our “online first” philosophy, ASD Digital Training utilizes a state-of-the-art online training platform. Through our platform, we provide all training materials and offer our participants the opportunity to directly interact with our trainers and other participants. Also, the trainings are conducted centrally through our online training platform. Participants do not need any special technical prerequisites, just a device (PC, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone) with a standard internet connection.

Book training or a free consultation

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